Nail Intelligence:Nail Health

Nail Intelligence

Our diet plays an important role in the health and condition of our nails. You should aim to consume a balanced diet of foods containing vitamins A, E and B complex as well as minerals such as calcium, zinc, iodine and magnesium.
Contrary to popular belief, white spots on the nail plate do not necessarily indicate a calcium deficiency. This is most likely as a result of trauma to the nail caused by external bruising, particularly if only one or two nails appear to be affected.
If your not a polish junkie and prefer the natural look, opt for running a buffer over the nails as part of your regular nail care regime. This will boost blood supply while promoting growth and enhancing shine.

*Tip: Excessive and intense buffing can thin nails so take care to perform this gently. I would also advise using a hardener treatment to protect the nails as well as to promote strength and improve optimum condition. 


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