Weight loss tip: mistakes will be made

Weight loss tip...

Mistakes will be made.

Whether it's failing to banish a bothersome binge, munching on the culprits responsible for contributing to a wider waistline or relaxing the exercise regime that we thought we'd mastered the motivation to maintain, we all make mistakes during our fight against the flab, but before you beat yourself up for struggling to sustain physical and psychological strength through tougher times, remember this...

We are human - not machines. If we were psychologically programmed to automatically adapt to change, we wouldn't have the ability to acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses in order to grow in the physical and psychological strength that are essential for overcoming the obstacles that overwhelm us - the obstacles that challenge us to the point of change.

Instead of fixating on your failures, forgive (yourself), forget (your failures) and continue to move forward - no progress will ever be made if you allow yesterday's you to hinder your healthier habits.

Top tip: mistakes are made for a reason, but that reason does not resemble an excuse to eliminate your efforts by giving up. If you stumble, slip up or struggle to sustain your new regime, take a deep breath, compose yourself and find another way to overcome the obstacles that overwhelm you - failure is only final when you lose the will to try. 


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