Ditch diet deprivation: Sunday roast & chocolate coconut cookies

A realistic weight loss plan should resemble real food that is not only nutritious and delicious, but satisfying on both a physical and psychological scale - it shouldn't leave you fighting the feeling of deprivation as you struggle to satisfy your stomach, or curb the uncontrollable cravings that are created when you consciously convince yourself that you 'haven't eaten enough.'

In fact, providing that you sustain precise portion sizes, use sensible seasoning (and use salty sources such as gravy granules sparingly), choose lean cuts of meat and enjoy an enormous (and varied) serving of vegetables, there is no need to sacrifice your Sunday roast for the sake of a slender silhouette.

On the right is today's delicious dinner - lean cuts of chicken (chicken that had been stuffed and seasoned with lemon, onions and garlic) teamed with steamed carrots, peas and mashed potato (yes, you can still consume this carb fuelled favourite AND lose weight!) drizzled with reduced salt gravy. I also demolished a homemade chocolate coconut cookie for dessert!

If you're still convinced that a calorie controlled diet defined by deprivation is the answer to eliminating an accumulation of excess weight, maybe its time to lose weight the healthy way - with Buns & Guns!

To find out how Buns & Guns may be able to benefit you, head over to https://www.facebook.com/Buns-Guns-Health-Fitness-Nutrition-1532560813682555/ where you can also find out how to create today's delicious (and healthier!) dessert - chocolate coconit cookies! 


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