Weight loss: a diet before and after

For those of you who are adamant that excruciating exercise regimes, calorie counting and the severe restriction of specific food sources resemble a realistic approach to eliminating excess weight, take a good look at the images above.

On the left is a snippet of my daily diet before I banished the bothersome binges that tightened my trousers and crippled my confidence - a diet that left me feeling (and looking!) fat, fatigued and prone to problematic skin.

On the right is a snippet of my daily diet after eliminating the excess weight that had a negative effect on my physical and psychological health - a diet fuelled by nutritious food sources that leave me feeling satisfied, strong and full of energy.

Although an accumulation of additional weight may trigger the temptation to turn to strategic rules and regimes, making small, sustainable changes such as:

  • swapping refined (white) carbohydrates for wholegrain (brown) alternatives
  • eliminating processed pick me ups - including cakes, crisps and candy
  • swapping sweet snacks for fibre fuelled fruit and vegetables
  • replacing ready meals with real food
  • losing the 'low fat' food sources that increase our intake of salt, sugar and artificial additives 
  • swapping sugary cereal for a more beneficial breakfast
  • creating healthier versions of our favourite dishes and desserts...
will not only create the realistic lifestyle changes that are essential for eliminating excess weight for life, but prevent us from piling on the pounds as a result of resorting to the unrealistic rules and regimes that leave us physically exhausted, and psychologically preoccupied on what we can, and cannot consume.

Top tip: instead of fixating on whether your chosen food source will make you look 'fat,' focus on how it will make you feel on the inside - if it leaves you susceptible to sugar spikes, slumps and self loathing, it has no place in a healthy, balanced diet.


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