In the papers: why we shouldn't fear food

Diet drinks, processed produce and sugar fuelled sweet treats are just a selection of the core culprits 'responsible' for increasing our risk of developing a multitude of health complications including heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, but instead of identifying every ingredient and artificial additive that could potentially pose a risk to health, let's forget the manipulated mind of the media and get real.
Anything, be it calories, carbohydrates, fat, sugar, protein and even fruit and vegetables, can have a negative impact on the human body when eaten in excess. For example, an overconsumption of calories will lead to an accumulation of additional weight and associated diseases if we fail to burn the excess energy via physical activity, and failing to slash our salt intake to the recommended 6g per day can not only lead to high blood pressure, but place extra strain on our heart and blood vessels.
Although the media may have fuelled our fear of artificial additives, addictive added sugar and processed produce, these particular food and drink sources will only pose a risk to health if they are over consumed on a regular basis. In fact, providing that we master the meaning of moderation and maintain a healthy, balanced diet bursting with variety and vital nutrients, there is no reason why we can't continue to enjoy the occasional bacon butty, strawberry sorbet and even a salami sandwich whilst maintaining a healthy body weight, shape and size, and reducing our risk of developing the detrimental diseases that seemingly stem from the exaggerated examples of what we 'shouldn't' be eating.
Instead of fixating on the fear created by the media, focus on mastering the meaning of moderation by consuming a healthy balance of the carbohydrates, fats, protein and vital vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body, mind and most importantly, life.


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