The term 'diet' is defined by more than deprivation

Deprivation, limitation and the severe restriction of specific food sources are just a selection of the words that resemble society's definition of the term 'diet,' but before you get sucked into the stigma that stems from ONE exaggerated example of a word that has the power to instantly intensify our fear of food, it's time to get real and face the facts...
ANY food - be it healthy, unhealthy, low fat, fresh, raw, plant based, vegan friendly or even gluten free - that is consumed by a community, a person or an animal on a regular basis resembles the definition of the word 'diet.' In fact, regardless of whether our chosen diet has been created for weight loss, weight gain, survival, religious reasons or to aid an existing medical condition, it is still defined as a diet.
Instead of fuelling your fear of food by consciously convincing yourself that you're dedicating every ounce of energy to a 'diet,' forget the negative definition of deprivation that has been drummed into your head by the manipulated mind of the media and money fuelled fitness professionals, manufacturers and magazines who have purposely chosen to emphasise ONE exaggerated example of what defines a diet in order to cash in on our desperation to eliminate excess weight, and recognise that not only does the reality of the word 'diet' resemble a habitual action essential for survival, but that we ALL consume our chosen (or created) variation of a word that is defined by far more than just weight loss alone - it is defined by any food source/s that we consume on a daily basis regardless of whether it's healthy or unhealthy, vegan or vegetarian, frozen or fresh.
Take home tip: the food deprivation, restriction and limitation that we have grown to associate with the word 'diet' has been created by the manipulated mind of the media and money fuelled marketing professionals' who purposely fuel our fear of food (and the word diet) by convincing us that we 'need' to invest in an abundance of specialised snacks, meals, magazines, products and plans in order to successfully eliminate excess weight - specialised products that diminish our ability to acknowledge that a diet resembles more than just strategic rules and regimes.


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