Beauty Intelligence: The Effects Of Soap

Did you know that soap is one of our skin's worst nightmares?
With an alkaline pH, this harsh product acts as a strong detergent, stripping the skin of grease while removing its protective coating.

Although individuals of a oilier, slightly greasier nature may not suffer any ill-effects after using such a harmful product, this is purely down to their particular skin types ability to stabilize itself quickly once the sebaceous glands have produced adequate sebum to restore the acid mantle. 

The application of soap to balanced (normal) or dry, sensitive skin however, can create relatively damaging effects when the risk of dehydration and irritation is increased dramatically causing a severe lack of moisture. As a result, skin not only becomes visibly parched, flaky and tight, but sore and inflamed.

Using soap as a make-up remover? Think again! Although strong, soap does not have the ability to remove cosmetics. Instead, skin can potentially over compensate for the drying, stripping effect such a harsh product has by over producing oil, leading to clogged pores and breakouts.     


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