Anti Bullying

Running a beauty blog not only allows me to share my passion with like minded individuals, but offers me the valuable opportunity to voice my opinions to an array of incredible people around the world.
From the importance of using anti cruelty products, to the benefits of organic skincare, I am lucky enough to be in the position to share my views on projects close to my heart.
Today I would like to take the opportunity to share something which has had an incredibly drastic impact on my life. Bullying. 

Like the majority of the population, I have fallen victim to this damaging life changing experience from a young age and, continue to do so on a regular basis. 
I have witnessed at first hand the heart breaking effects this unnecessary action creates and to this day, am saddened to continue to experience the consequences of other peoples insecurities. 

I truly believe that bullying is a sign of weakness and from the bottom of my heart, would like to inform anyone suffering this degrading experience to stay strong. Never doubt yourself, your abilities or your values. You are beautiful inside and out and stronger than you realize. Never allow your confidence to be knocked by the small minority of narrow minded individuals who take pleasure in targeting amazing people whom they see as a threat. Stay focused and follow your dreams because nothing and nobody is worth loosing something so precious. 

Life is a beautiful gift that should be cherished, not filled with self consciousness and negativity. Please remain positive and remember, never ever be made to feel ashamed of who you are. 


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