10 Tips To A Healthy Radiant Complexion

The main aim of skin care is to create and maintain healthy balanced skin.
Regular salon treatments and expensive products may seem essential in achieving a flawless complexion and controlling skin problems however, a radiant healthy glow starts at home.
The following tips are intended for all skin types and will ensure that your complexion remains healthy and balanced at all times.

A healthy balanced diet should be consumed
Protein and essential fatty acids as well as foods rich in vitamins A, B and C are all important in achieving healthy skin. A variety of fresh fruit, vegetables and fibre should also be included in a healthy balanced diet.

Drink plenty of water
Maintaining a healthy water balance in the body is essential for healthy radiant looking skin. Adequate water intake not only speeds up the elimination of waste and toxins, but prevents dehydration. One of the main causes of dull and dry looking skin and hair.

Get enough sleep
The rate of skin cell repair and replacement increases while we sleep. If your finding yourself tired and exhausted with a visibly dull complexion on a regular basis, your skin is being deprived of the energy it requires to recover and regenerate.

Skin protection
Even the most healthy balanced skin can easily become dry if it is not protected. Sunlight, pollution, weather, extremes of temperature, central heating and cosmetics can all produce a dull, dry complexion. 
Moisturisers provide a barrier between the skin and outside elements and should be worn daily. Exposure to strong sunlight should also be avoided and suitable ultra-violet screening product applied as and when required.

Regular exercise
Keeping fit and active has numerous benefits for both our skin and body. Regular exercise will not only stimulate blood flow and supply of oxygen to body tissue, but speed up cell division and build collagen. It also minimises stress and the negative effects this has on the skin.

Keep clean
A build up of dirt and grime will block pores and irritate the skin. Ensure your face is kept clean at all times and all traces of make-up removed thoroughly.

Avoid harsh treatment
Blood vessels are very near to the surface of your skin and are easily damaged. When using skin care products be gentle not to pull or stretch the skin.
Perfumed products and products containing an alcohol or alkaline base should also be avoided as these can be extremely degreasing.

Monitor your skin
As the body process slows down with age, balanced skin gradually becomes drier. Monitor early signs of change in facial skin and adapt cosmetics and skin care accordingly.

Control alcohol intake
Alcohol raises blood pressure causing blood capillaries to dilate and over time, forces the walls of the capillaries to rupture and become permanently damaged. Puffiness, coarsening of skin texture, deepening of lines and wrinkles as well as chronic redness to the skin will also occur.
Although not as extreme as the long term effects of drinking, excessive short term alcohol intake can be just as damaging. Short term effects will see chemicals produced in the body which dehydrates the skin causing it to look visibly dull and dry.

Do not smoke
Smoking produces carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide gases which are carried around the bodies blood stream in preference to oxygen. As a result, cells fail to receive enough nourishment and therefore the skin suffers oxygen starvation. The chemicals produced in the body as a result of smoking also interfere with protein fibres while depleting the body of vitamin C. A vitamin essential for healthy skin.


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