Weight loss: sensible snacking

Weight loss tip: sensible snacks should be substantial and satisfying, not restrictive and unrealistic.

Although your 'tighter trousers' may trigger the temptation to turn to silly snacks such as rice cakes covered in a snippet of 'low-fat' spread, attempting to fight the flab with far from filling 'food' sources won't shape a slender silhouette.

In fact, reaching for rabbit food as a form of fuel will not only see you struggling to satisfy your stomach - you fail to feel full and battle to banish the bothersome binges that leave you with a bigger body and a beaten brain - but ready to give up on your weight loss goals as you religiously resort back to your unhealthy habits - your restrictive regime fuels the feeling of failure as you struggle to sustain such strategic snacks and slip up.

Instead of munching on a piece of polystyrene between meals (the polystyrene that will leave you prone to piling on the pounds!), focus on fighting the flab with sensible snacks that are not only simple and substantial - think a fresh fruit salad drizzled with natural yogurt, bite sized bagels bursting with your favourite (healthy) filling and even toasted wholegrain bread smeared and sprinkled with almond butter and sliced banana - but satisfying on a physical and psychological scale - opting for a crunchy food source that forces you to chew as opposed to something smooth will make you more mindful of each mouthful and less likely to struggle to sense satiety.

Top tip: a calorie controlled diet may be essential for the effective elimination of excess weight, but a restrictive (and ridiculous) regime isn't. If you can't see yourself having the self control to sustain your 'healthier' habits after you've shaped a slender silhouette, don't expect to experience the long-term health and happiness that stem from sustaining a sensible weight - a sensible weight that's created when we make realistic lifestyle changes.



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