Weight loss: choose slow & sensible over stupid & speedy

Weight loss tip: don't expect to eliminate excess weight effectively or efficiently if you're not willing to work hard to create change.

Despite the desperation that stems from struggling to drop a dress size, resorting to the strategic (and stupid!) rules and regimes that resemble shakes, supplements and the severe restriction of specific food sources won't lead to long-term weight loss.

In fact, unless you're willing to work hard to transform your body and brain by mastering the right mindset, sustaining sensible food swaps and maintaining the motivation to move more (this does not include combining a dangerous caloric deficit with an extreme exercise regime!), you can expect to be dedicating every ounce of energy to diets and 'detoxes' - the diets and 'detoxes' that are destined for physical and psychological disaster - for the rest of your life.

Instead of fighting the flab with a fad (and failing), focus on designing a diet that is safe, sensible, sustainable and suited to your weight loss weaknesses by digging deep to determine what works for you - be it preprepared portions, timed 'treat' days or a daily food and feelings diary that tracks the triggers behind your binging behaviour - before finding a form of fitness that compliments your current strength, stamina and self-esteem - we're less likely to give up on our exercise goals if fitness is fun, functional and fails to draw attention to our 'fuller' figure.

Although opting to oust an accumulation of additional weight slowly and sensibly will see you experience erratic emotions, poor performance when participating in physical activity and simple slip ups that trigger the temptation to turn back to your unhealthy habits, each of these events not only resemble the reality of eliminating excess weight effectively and efficiently, but the challenges that will test you to the point of physical and psychological change - the change that always leads to long-term health and happiness.



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