Monday Motivation: mistakes create change

Motivational Monday...

''Be humble to see your mistakes, courageous to admit them, and wise enough to correct them'' - Amine Ayad.

Mistakes may resemble a painful process that leaves us psychologically preoccupied with our past - we become besotted with the 'bad' days, fixated on our 'failures' and convinced that we're 'incapable' of change - but without them, we would never be able to work on our weaknesses in order to build a better body and brain - the better body and brain that resembles health, happiness, strength and self acceptance.

Instead of starting the week with the struggles of yesterday's you, start it with the strength to suppress your slip ups, forgive your failures and move on from the mistakes that have been made for a reason - to highlight how you're hindering your health and happiness. A bad decision may deter you, but it will only define you if you fail to find the courage to admit (and accept) it, and the confidence to create the change that corrects it...


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