Food for thought: the manipulative mind of food manufacturers

Food for thought...

Despite dietary protein playing a vital role in various bodily functions - including water balance, growth and maintenance, and ensuring that our body obtains the essential amino acids that it can't create - there is a dramatic difference between the unprocessed protein found in food sources such as legumes and lean meat, and the processed protein that has been artificially added to confectionery in an attempt to convince the health conscious that they're consuming a sensible sweet treat. 

Before you resort to something as ridiculous as a sugary snickers that's packed with 'protein rich properties' or a mars bar that has been made with the same mandatory macronutrient, remember that regardless of how much 'protein' manipulative manufacturers have pumped into our favourite foods, the reality of these sugary snacks still resembles a processed pick me up that's not only bursting with the 'bad' stuff that we need to slash from our daily diet - excess energy, salt, sugar and saturated fat - but is renowned for leaving us prone to piling on the pounds (and predisposed to developing disease!) when over consumed on a regular basis.

Summary: protein may be a necessary nutrient that benefits the body, but artificially adding it to one of the core culprits (chocolate) that contributes to a multitude of medical conditions when consumed in excess, won't eliminate the other negative effects this particular product will have on our health.


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