Healthy weight loss: ditch the diet defined by deprivation

A diet defined by deprivation not only resembles an unrealistic approach to weight loss, but the creation of a discouraged dieter prone to piling on the pounds as they fail to control the uncontrollable cravings that stem from strategic rules and regimes - the rules and regimes that restrict specific food and drink sources with the aim of achieving rapid weight loss.

As a former 'big' girl who is still susceptible to over satisfying my stomach with sweet and savory food sources, creating healthier alternatives of my favourite desserts and dishes not only allows me to overindulge in the occasional tasty treat without the worry of intensifying my insecurities surrounding my weight, shape and size, but it also ensures that I maintain the motivation to sustain a healthy lifestyle fuelled by real food that is both nutritious, and delicious.

A safe, sensible and sustainable weight loss plan shouldn't leave you fighting the feeling of failure and fatigue as you struggle not to succumb to the sweet stuff, it should however, resemble a realistic regime that consists of moving more, and eating less (crap). 

Weight loss is only as hard as you make it. Don't make it harder by dedicating every ounce of energy to a lifestyle defined by deprivation - deprivation that will always lead to a diet destined for disaster. 


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