Weight loss tip: prepare for plateaus

Weight loss tip...
Prepare to push through plateaus.
Although the start of every successful weight loss plan resembles a rapid loss of excess weight - particularly if you have an excessive accumulation of weight to eliminate - expecting to shed the pounds at the same speedy scale throughout the duration of your weight loss journey can see you sacrificing more than just your motivation.
In fact, failing to psychologically prepare yourself for erratic weight fluctuations and plateaus - particularly as you creep closer to your goals - will not only diminish your determination, dedication and discipline to change, but result in you repeatedly questioning your physical and psychological strength to succeed as you struggle to overcome the overwhelming feeling of failure - the failure that stems from your apparent 'inability' to sustain such rapid weight loss on a regular basis.
Despite the difficulties that you will encounter when battling to banish a bothersome body, feeling discouraged about a decrease in overall weight loss does not resemble a reason to give up on your goals - nor does it indicate that you are incapable of sustaining a successful weight loss plan. It does however, resemble a healthy and realistic approach to eliminating excess weight, and an obstacle that every successful dieter must learn to overcome - an obstacle that will determine whether you succeed, or fail.
Top tip: instead of dedicating every ounce of energy to toxic thoughts of negativity during periods of plateaus, focus on how far you have come - physically and psychologically - and remember this...
Plateaus are a normal process that will test your patience, persistence and psychological power - three areas that require strength, and self control. A successful weight loss plan stems from the physical and psychological strength and self control to overcome every obstacle that stands between you, and weight loss success. Without plateaus you will not grow in strength and without strength, you will not sustain long-term weight loss success.


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