How to: improve slow digestion

Health enhancing tip...
Speed up slow digestion with tangy tasting food and drink sources.
IBS, dysbiosis and food intolerance are just a selection of the distressing digestive disorders that can create an array of unsightly symptoms including abdominal bloating, excessive burping and flatulence, but did you know that a troublesome tummy can also stem from slow digestion - a common condition often caused by a lack of stomach acids and digestive enzymes.
If you're struggling to banish a bothersome belly, incorporating bitter foods - think lemon juice, grapefruit, endives and mustard - into your diet is not only an effective way to aid digestion, but stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes - the tangy taste sends a signal to the stomach to prepare for food - in order to improve the breakdown of the food that would normally be forced to sit and ferment in the stomach as a result of a lack of acids and enzymes.
Top tip: tame tummy troubles by consuming one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a small amount of water 15 minutes before a meal. Drinking fresh lemon in water upon waking is also a great way to kick start digestion.


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