Hand care: Hide your age with your hands

Although a recent study indicates that a staggering 72% of women worry about ageing hands more than facial wrinkles, many continue to neglect this over exposed area in favour of a strict anti-ageing skincare regime. But did you know that the skin on our hands is susceptible to the first signs of ageing long before our face?

Not only is the skin on the back of the hands thinner in comparison to that of the face, it also contains little fat, making it prone to showing a visibly crepey texture and bulging veins as a result of the diminished collagen and elastin fibers that occurs from sun exposure, and the ageing process.

In order to improve the condition of your hands and prevent the development of pigmentation problems and premature lines and wrinkles, a regular hand care regime is essential. This can be achieved by:

  • Protection - exposure to drying winds, soil, central heating, water and the soaps and alkaline detergents found in cleaning products can leave your skin (and nails) dry, chapped and irritated. Limit exposure to these particular factors and wear gloves where possible.
  • Avoid - sun exposure can not only cause pigmentation problems such as brown spots, but unsightly lines and wrinkles. Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible and opt for a hand cream with built in SPF, or the application of a good quality sunscreen several times a day.
  • Hydrate - although the application of a moisturizing product won't reverse the effects of sun damage, hydrating hand creams and lotions will replace the natural oil loss that occurs as a result of harsh weather conditions, detergents and alkaline water to name but a few. They will also provide a protective barrier on the surface of the skin. Apply a good quality cream or lotion each time your hands have been immersed in water for any length of time, exposed to harsh elements and before to bed.
A seemingly wrinkle free complexion may disguise your true age, but your hands will always be a true reflection of your years. Don't neglect them. 


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