Beauty & Body Image

True beauty lies deeper than preening yourself to perfection with fashion and cosmetics, it stems from the ability to portray a strong, confident persona and mean it. Here is a little inspirational advice I have recently shared with my fitness clients, and something all men and women alike should remember...

Renowned for their unrealistic definition of the 'ideal' body, the media's constant portrayal of clinically underweight models and professionally airbrushed images can have a detrimental impact on both weight management, and body image.

By bombarding us with flawless, yet fake examples of so-called perfection, many feel pressured to make unrealistic comparisons and set unattainable goals, but did
 you know that the negative body image many of us struggle with often stems from the mass media's definition of the 'perfect' body? 

In order to accomplish your weight loss goals in a healthy, realistic way, learning to become blinkered to the irrelevant opinion of the media and others is essential. Why? Because unlike the airbrushed models that surround us, you're real, and real resembles emotional and physical scars, stretch marks, curves, cellulite, imperfections and everything that makes you, you.

Persistence doesn't lie in the pretend perfection guaranteed to diminish your confidence and motivation, and shatter your goals, it lies in your ability to be honest with yourself about what you're realistically capable of achieving.


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