Can Chamois Leather Buffing Damage Nails?

Can chamois leather buffing damage nails?

Yes and no...

Although chamois leather buffing using paste polish can aid the improvement of fine, fragile and splitting nails by:

  • stimulating nail growth
  • eliminating a peeling free edge (tip) by binding the nail layers together
  • creating a smooth, natural finish
  • increasing the blood circulation to the matrix and nail bed which can result in a stronger nail condition as the new nail grows
  • improving the nails colour and appearance by creating a healthy pink shade.
If performed incorrectly or too often, an inadequate buffing technique can not only have a damaging impact on the condition of the nails, but also affect the cuticles. Why? Simple...

Technique - failing to use the correct technique during the buffing process can push paste polish into the cuticles, leaving them dry and the paste difficult to remove. Always buff the nails in one direction only from the matrix (base) to the free edge (tip) in order to avoid this common mistake.

Strokes - a combination of performing too many strokes per nail and failing to lift the buffer from the nail's surface after each stroke, can cause heat inflicted damage to the nail plate. Always ensure a maximum of 20 firm strokes per nail, lifting the buffer after each in order to prevent an accumulation of heat.

Frequency - the abrasive affect associated with paste polish can not only weaken nails, but force them to wear away if this particular type of buffing is performed on a daily basis. In order to ensure that nails remain strong and healthy, limit this method to once a week.

Tools - using alternate buffing tools such as coarse emery boards will instantly diminish the condition of natural nails, leaving them thin, weak, dry and scratched to name but a few. Always ensure that the correct tools are used for the job intended.


  1. Thanks for sharing very nice detailed information. Please check haute her tips


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