Anti-ageing: Facial Yoga

Tapping your cheeks while resembling a psychotic puffer fish may sound crazy, but performing strange facial contortions is becoming an increasingly popular way to train and tone the face.

Although not everyone's cup of tea, the theory behind facial yoga understandably makes sense - if we use specific exercises to strengthen the 57 muscles of the face and neck, the result will undoubtedly be a firmer, younger looking face - but will replacing our beloved downward facing dog with the giraffe really resemble the effects of a natural face lift?

Over the next few weeks I will be incorporating facial yoga into my weekly workouts in order to determine whether pulling funny faces, is enough to improve fine lines and wrinkles, create a healthy glow and relieve the effects of eye strain and headaches. You never know, the results may just be my anti-ageing antidote.   


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