Nailing It: How To Minimize Excessive Perspiration (Hyperhidrosis) Of The Feet

Excessive perspiration of the feet may not necessarily pose a serious threat to our health, but it can prove to be particularly unsightly and embarrassing during the warmer months when accompanied by unwanted foot odour. 

Due to a functional disorder of the sweat glands, excessive perspiration (also known as hyperhidrosis) is a common condition which can effect all, or part of the body, forcing it to sweat more than it requires in order to regulate its temperature.    

Focal hyperhidrosis in particular, often targets specific areas of the body such as the armpits, hands, face or feet and is not only an unsightly inconvenience, but can have a damaging psychological impact on those it effects.

A great tip to minimize excessive sweating of the foot is to opt for the application of specialized foot powders containing antiperspirants to stop perspiration, and deodorants to disguise any unpleasant odour. A combination of daily washing and the use of a dry antiperspirant spray, as well as regularly changing shoes and socks will also prove to be particularly beneficial in reducing the negative effects of focal hyperhidrosis of the feet.

Remember that plastic based synthetics encourage perspiration, so always opt for shoes made of leather, canvas or mesh to allow the foot to breathe, and wear sports socks which are specifically designed to absorb moisture as an alternative to man made materials. Most importantly, if all else fails, don't be afraid to seek medical advice. Simple lifestyle changes and prescription products don't necessarily work for everyone, but a GP will be able to refer you to a dermatologist who specializes in treating skin conditions, should your symptoms fail to be controlled.      


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