Nailing It: Filing Technique For Curved Fingers

From narrow and small, to curved and clawed, nails may come in an array of shapes and sizes, but not everyone is blessed with the perfectly formed nail plate.

Although a skillful filing technique may be able to disguise an unsightly nail shape, what happens if it is in fact the fingers' formation which is responsible for creating unwanted problems?

Curved fingers are a unflattering deformity found most frequently in the index and ring finger, and with the index digit often slanting towards the little finger, and the ring finger having a tendency to bend towards the thumb, this unsightly condition understandably has a damaging impact on suffers' self esteem.

A great tip to minimize the effects of a visible curvature to the fingers is to always ensure that great care is taken during the shaping of nails. If the slant of the finger fails to be addressed and the free edge is filed and shaped in order to follow the main body of the nail, any obvious curvature will be drastically emphasized. Instead, simply filing away the nail's tip more on one side as opposed to the other will not only minimize the unwanted affect of the deformity, but create the optical illusion of a straight finger.


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