Why Good Hygiene Is Essential When Shaping Brows

As the blood supply to the hair follicle is stimulated throughout the action of plucking, it should come as no surprise that the erythema (reddening) induced by this particular procedure forces skin to become more susceptible to sensitivity.   
Although plucking in the direction of growth will ensure that hairs are removed cleanly from the follicle, it is important to take into consideration that empty hair follicles provide the perfect route for bacteria. Therefore, good hygiene is essential when shaping brows.

To minimize the risk of infection is it vital to keep tweezers thoroughly clean before, after, and during treatment. This can be achieved by simply wiping the tips with surgical spirit to ensure the successful removal of any adhering hairs and skin cells while keeping the tool disinfected.

Always remember that failing to take adequate care of tweezers will not only force skin to become susceptible to irritation, but inadequate protection resulting in scratches and damage, provides the perfect environment for collecting germs. 

A great tip to guarantee all excess traces of potential contamination are removed is to wipe the brows with witch hazel. Full of antiseptic and antibacterial properties, this product is great for soothing skin, reducing redness and preventing unwanted germs and bacteria.     


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