Make-up Tip: Porcelain Beauty

Nothing oozes beauty more than an effortlessly flawless porcelain complexion, but with an array of shades set to send even the most hardcore beauty junkie into make-up meltdown, finding the right combination of products and tones to adequately flatter such a unique skin tone can often appear overwhelming.

A great tip to ensure complexion perfection while preventing any unwanted make-up mishaps is to simply opt for pastels and cool tones as an alternative to products of a red or brown undertone. Why? Simple...

Its no secret that the application of bronzer to porcelain skin only makes it look dirty, so it should therefore come as no surprise that blushers with a brown undertone have the same effect. To avoid this common make-up mistake opt for pastels such as pale pink which compliment delicate skin tones beautifully.

Although it may be tempting to experiment with a variety of eye shadows, never underestimate the breathtaking effects of cool tones. These simple, subtle shades enhance a porcelain complexion dramatically and should always be applied as an alternative to red toned products, which will only create an unsightly tired effect when combined with a light skin tone. 


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