How to: banish binges

Finding comfort in calories may ease our emotions, but the short lived satisfaction that stems from filling our face with the treats and takeaways that tighten our trousers can trigger a toxic cycle that not only leaves us battling a body that's prone to piling on the pounds, but a beaten brain that becomes psychologically preoccupied with how our abnormal actions are forcing us to feel an array of exaggerated emotions - emotions that often mimic the core culprit/s responsible for our original stress and distress. 

Before a binge gets the better of you, take a moment to acknowledge how the aftermath of your actions will affect your weight and wellbeing. Will it soothe your stress, tame those toxic thoughts and erase your erratic emotions? Or will it intensify your insecurities, hinder your health and happiness and subject you to the self loathing that leaves you fearing food and repulsed by your own reflection?

Although any dietary disorder is difficult to diminish, sometimes something as simple as fixating on how you will feel after finding comfort in an over consumption of calories is enough to psychologically shock you into realizing that the reality of your actions won't ease the emotions behind your bingeing behaviour, but aggravate an already stressful situation that has spiraled out of control and/or into an unhealthy habit - an unhealthy habit that will become progressively harder to break each time that you're tempted to turn to treats and takeaways during times of emotional turmoil...

Twitter: @dixie_duke


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