Weight loss: the benefits of a big breakfast

A bagel for breakfast may resemble every dieter's definition of an overconsumption of calories, but a bigger breakfast can benefit more than just our bellies.

Here are my top three reasons why munching our main meal in the morning makes sense...

1. It minimises the munchies.
Fuelling our day with a feast of nutritious food sources reduces the risk of our mid morning munchies resembling an abundance of added sugar by ensuring that we sustain stabilised sugar levels - we're less likely to turn to tasty treats for a 'pick me up' if our blood sugar levels remain balanced and our stomaches are satisfied.

2. It breaks the fast.
By basing our morning meal on a combination of carbohydrates, fats (the healthy kind!) and protein, we can provide our body and brain with the nutrients that they need to restore energy, boost blood sugar levels and function effectively and efficiently on a physical and psychological scale - three things that can leave us facing the day feeling famished and fatigued if we fail to refuel after a night of no nutrition.

3. It aids weight loss.
Although a bigger breakfast may not seem like a wise idea when we're worrying about a wider waistline, munching our main meal in the morning as opposed to consuming a calorie fuelled feast in the evening will ensure that we eliminate any excess energy during the day - we move more and sit less during the day when the temptation to slump on the sofa hasn't been triggered by a tough day at work.

Top tip: avoid fuelling your day with refined food sources such as white bread and sugary cereal. These particular products will not only subject your blood sugar to spikes and slumps, but create uncontrollable cravings for the calorie (and sugar!) fuelled food that we need to cut from our daily diet.  


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