Health & weight loss: my private Facebook group

If you're fed up of the fad diets that leave you failing to fight the flab, why not let Buns & Guns teach you how to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle fuelled by real food and a realistic fitness regime...

Created by a former 'big' girl, health and nutritionist and trainee clinical weight loss coach who has personally eliminated over ten stone of excess weight (and battled bulimia and anorexia), Buns & Guns not only allows me to use my personal experience and professional expertise to ensure that weight is eliminated in a way which is safe, sustainable and satisfying, but that childhood obesity is ousted by teaching parents how to instill healthy habits from a young age - think creative cooking, personalised food prep and fitness fun for the whole family!

To gain instant access to my private group, ravishing recipes and an abundance of advice, head over to and request to join. 


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