Body confidence: choose healthy over skinny

Although our preoccupation with portraying the 'perfect' physique can force us to fixate on the 'flaws' that we've 'failed' to fix, scrutinizing our shape and size can not only leave us blinkered to how our healthier habits are making us feel, but battling to banish a negative body image that has been created by self criticism. 

Before you beat yourself up for 'failing' to flaunt a slender silhouette, take a moment to focus on how your motivation to move more and consume less crap is making you feel on the inside.

You may not have managed to banish that bloated belly or tone those troublesome thighs (yet!), but having the energy to exercise, the confidence to feel cable of change and the psychological strength to sustain the healthier habits that don't hinder your health and happiness is far more important than simply striving for a silhouette that portrays your perception of 'perfection'.

Top tip: a healthy outside may start from the inside, but a negative mind will never let you love your beautiful matter what its shape or size. 


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