Weight loss tip: master moderation

Weight loss tip...
If you're religiously fighting the overwhelming urge to binge on sugar fuelled food sources - even after indulging in a delicious dessert - you're yet to master the meaning of moderation.
Although the desperation to eliminate excess weight can force many to resort to extreme weight loss methods - think deprivation, limitation and the severe restriction of specific food groups - failing to incorporate the occasional sweet treat or tasty takeaway into a healthy, balanced diet will not only create uncontrollable cravings, but diminish every ounce of discipline as we struggle to sustain self control during the duration of indulgence - we experience the overwhelming urge to binge on every sweet treat in sight as our inner voice screams I 'NEED' more.
By mastering the meaning of moderation and learning to achieve a healthy balance - a balance that includes weekly treats - we are far more likely to banish the binges and remain in complete control during times of indulgence as our body and mind is able to differentiate want from need - the uncontrollable need that develops when your body is subjected to deprivation over a prolonged period of time.
Top tip: failing to satisfy our sweet tooth is one of the few culprits responsible for the bothersome binges that sabotage the success of an otherwise successful weight loss plan - a plan that should never resemble unrealistic restriction. If you're struggling to eliminate the overwhelming urge to binge, it's time to reevaluate your chosen weight loss method.


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