Ice cream inspiration: Homemade recipes

Bursting with as many as six teaspoons of sugar, top-selling ice creams such as pink magnum, nestle's rolo and cadbury's flake 99 not only account for half of our daily recommended sugar intake per serving, but these energy dense sweet treats can also lead to a multitude of health conditions including weight gain, obesity, tooth decay, heart disease and type 2 diabetes if consumed in excess, or on a regular basis.
Although shop brought ice creams may be renowned for having no nutritional value, opting for healthier homemade alternatives is a great way to maintain your daily recommended added sugar intake whilst enjoying a soothing sweet treat during the summer months. 
If you're in need of some ice cream inspiration, check out my top three healthier alternatives below.
• Banana ice cream.
Pop one small banana - peeled, sliced and frozen - and 3 tablespoons of semi, semi-skimmed or almond milk into a blender or food processor and mix until a thick consistency is achieved. Top - or blend dependant on personal preference - with walnuts and/or almonds and serve.
• Fresh fruit lollies.
Pop a selection of fresh fruit into a blender or food processor and whizz to a juice like - or smoothie like dependant on personal preference - consistency. Pour the juice/smoothie mixture into ice-lolly moulds before leaving to set in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
• Fruit smoothie sorbet.
Pop two cups of seasonal fruit - ideally frozen - one banana and one cup of coconut milk into a blender or food processor and blend on high for 1-2 minutes until a smooth texture is achieved. Pour into a freezer safe container and allow to freeze for 1-2 hours before removing from the freezer, re-blending and returning to the freezer for a further 1-2 hours until soft set. Serve alone or with additional fresh fruit and/or unsalted nuts of your choice.
Remember that it's the added sugar found in food and drink sources such as cakes, sweets and sugary drinks that adults and children alike need to reduce, not the natural sugar found in fruit and milk.


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