Healthy Children: How to encourage outdoor activities

According to a recent study, only 21% of boys and 16% of girls aged 5-15 participate in their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day – statistics that undoubtedly contribute to the UK’s childhood obesity crisis – but with the temptation of technology and sedentary games growing increasingly popular, parents can often face a tirade of tantrums and turmoil when attempting to encourage their little ones to sit less and move more.

If you’re struggling to lure your youngsters away from indoor games and gadgets, these top tips are guaranteed to ignite their interest in the great outdoors:
·         Green fingers. With a fifth of children adamant that outdoor activities are ‘too boring,’ injecting an element of fun and independence into garden based games is essential. Whether its growing their own vegetable patch, searching for interesting insects or assisting mum and dad with the gardening, encouraging kids to develop green fingers is a great way to entice them outside and distract them from the sedentary games they have become accustomed to.
·         Go extreme. Although a staggering 80% of children have never experienced extreme sports such as orienteering, it’s these fun fuelled activities that are guaranteed to excite and entice youngsters outdoors. Abseiling, wall climbing and water sports may sound scary, but your children will be in the safe hands of knowledgeable and experienced instructors whilst moving more, enjoying a new experience and burning the excess energy that can lead to obesity and the health complications this common condition is renowned for.
·         Sample the scenery. With 51% of children yet to experience the sensory stimulation of a nature trail, encouraging them to venture into the wilderness will not only benefit their psychological wellbeing, but their physical health as well. Whether it’s a scenic bike ride, sandy beach walk or discovering a nature filled trail, participating in outdoor activities as a family acts as a great incentive for youngsters to follow in your footsteps throughout life, and develop a taste for the outdoors from a young age.
·         Smart swaps. Despite 61% of kids as young as 6 favouring indoor gadgets over outdoor activities, encouraging them to participate in regular exercise is not only essential for healthy bones and muscles, but vital for the prevention of obesity, and obesity related health conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Gradually incorporating sneaky swaps such as fitness based computer games, trampolines and hula hoops will provide a fun alternative to the sedentary games and gadgets kids have grown to depend on.

The more our younger generation moves, the more they reduce their risk of developing unhealthy habits and the potentially life threatening health conditions that stem from inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. Always ensure that 5-16 year olds participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day, and children under the age of 5 enjoy three hours per day.


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