Health & Exercise: The benefits of walking

Although often overlooked for its multitude of health benefits, walking is a free and convenient form of exercise that helps to maintain a healthy heart, increase stamina and mobility and reduce the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes by burning excess calories - it also acts as a natural reliever for anxiety and depression, and reduces the incidence of arthritis and some cancers.

With the average person walking 3,000 to 4,000 steps per day, investing in a pedometer is a fantastic way to ensure that you hit your daily recommended 10,000 steps - roughly 5 miles.

This simple but effective tool not only allows you to track your steps, miles and estimated caloric burn, its also a brilliant way of setting new challenges and boosting motivation levels - you'll be surprised at how great you feel when you see how many steps you've walked!

Walking for just 30 minutes a day is enough to reap the health benefits associated with this low impact exercise, and incorporating more intense workouts such as hiking and trekking can burn up to 500 calories per hour - more if you're walking on hilly terrain or carrying a heavy rucksack. Finances, convenience and effort may be the three main barriers preventing many from exercising, but walking instantly destroys each of these common obstacles and is suitable for all ages, genders and fitness levels. So, what are you waiting for?

Top tip: Focus on steps and miles as opposed to how many calories you burn via walking. Pedometers only provide an estimated calorie burn and don't take into consideration factors such as your age, weight, gender, terrain or how hard your body and heart is working.


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