Body Confidence: Stretch Marks

''You must be so repulsed by those hideous things'' is an insensitive comment that not only has the ability to instantly destroy every ounce of self acceptance, but leave the recipient overwhelmed with embarrassment, repulsion and self hatred each time they find the strength to stomach their reflection - I'm that recipient.

For years I found myself ashamed of my own body as the appearance of every stretch mark, scar and unsightly piece of excess skin suddenly seemed more intense, wobbly and repulsive the second that one insensitive comment filled my mind - the comment that a 'friend' used to describe the stretch marks that cover my troublesome tummy.

Although I have survived the physical and psychological effects of obesity, depression and anorexia and bulimia - eating disorders that developed as a result of my distorted obsession with my stomach - those closest to me still perceive my stretch marks as the 'hideous things' that define me.

Why? Because in a media fuelled world infatuated with the unrealistic definition of the 'perfect' body, men, women and children are brainwashed into thinking that their stretch marks, wobbly bits, weight, flaws and imperfections are abnormal, hideous and unacceptable in comparison to the photoshopped perfection that surrounds them - the photoshopped perfection that is just a figment of the medias fake imagination - and that anything real, normal and even the slightest bit unattractive automatically results in them being shunned from society.

Although my stretch marks may be 'hideous' and 'unattractive' to society, to me they resemble strength, self acceptance and a physical and psychological journey that has made me the person that I am today. Admittedly, I'm far from flaunting them in a bikini, but I now view the wiggly white lines over my wobbly tummy with pride as together, they represent a survivor that has not only overcome the detrimental effects of two life threatening eating disorders, but the ugliness of society - the true definition of hideous and repulsive.

As hard as it may be, and trust me, it's hard, never allow your flaws and imperfections to define who you are or force you to feel repulsion at your own reflection. Each and every one of us has at least one body part we despise, and each and every one of us go to great lengths in order to disguise it, but self acceptance is a beautiful thing. It allows us to be comfortable in our own skin and feel equally as good on the inside as we do on the outside when our imperfection appears disguised to the judgmental world obsessed with the impossible - perfection. No one needs a flatter stomach, thinner legs or a prettier face. We just need a change in perspective and a higher self esteem.


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