Weight loss tip: ditch the diet buddy

Weight loss tip: ditch the diet buddy...

Although fighting the flab with a friend may fuel our focus when times get tough, battling to banish our bigger bodies with a diet buddy can also leave us prone to piling on the pounds.

In fact, teaming up in an attempt to oust an accumulation of additional weight can not only diminish our determination if we fail to smash our goals in the same timescale as our fellow fat fighting friend - our constant comparisons cripple our confidence to the point of procrastination as we convince ourselves that we're incapable of the same speedy change - but trigger the temptation to turn back to our unhealthy habits as we dedicate our days to a 'diet' that doesn't work for our weight loss goals, willpower or weaknesses - subjecting ourselves to the same strategic slimming solution as our self disciplined diet buddy can sabotage our weight loss success if we don't share the same motivated mindset, struggle to sustain the same swaps and/or are podgier than our overweight partner (the latter requiring a more lengthly and realistic weight loss method that's tailored to our tighter trousers!).

Instead of increasing the incidence of future failure by blasting your bigger body with a buddy, focus on fighting the flab in a way which doesn't resemble mimicking an overweight friend or family member's weight loss method. Although surrounding yourself with a strong support network may help to shape a slender silhouette - particularly if peer praise pushes you through plateaus - dedicating every ounce of energy to the exact eating and exercise efforts as a designated dieting partner can turn into a detrimental disaster the second that your success starts to differ - a common concern that stems from creating an unhealthy competition and those who are susceptible to chronic self-criticism. By all means share your slimming secrets with your fuller figured friend, but only share the same weight loss story if it works for you (and your goals), and you're willing to accept that not everyone is capable of creating the same changes, in the same timescale (this doesn't make you or your diet buddy a 'failure').

Take home tip: a weight loss method that works for one, won't always work for another...
If you do decide to drop a dress size with a diet buddy, remember to acknowledge that aside from being fuelled by different factors, having different dietary habits and being in a different place psychologically (etc!), your nutritional needs will not only vary (some will require a more restrictive dieting regime than others in order to successfully oust an accumulation of additional weight), but your starting weight will rarely be the same (this will result in a podgier person experiencing faster fat loss) which can influence the changes that can and can't be created, and the timescale that targets can and can't be achieved.



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