Food for thought: happiness isn't size specific

Food for thought: happiness isn't size specific.

Although successfully shaping a slender silhouette may boost our body confidence, flaunting a fat free figure won't soothe the shattered self-esteem that exaggerates our hindered happiness.

In fact, blasting a bigger body without banishing a beaten brain can not only fuel our fixation with our failures - we become psychologically preoccupied with why we've 'failed' to curb our self-criticism despite dropping a dress size - but leave us less likely to tame the toxic thoughts that trigger body negativity - our refusal to register and rectify the real reason/s why we're repulsed by our own reflection drives us to dissect the bits of our body that we still detest.

Before we dedicate our every ounce of energy to eliminating the excess weight that widens our waistline, we should all take a moment to acknowledge that although ousting an accumulation of additional weight may seem like the answer to silencing our self-loathing, it's not...

Sometimes we develop a detrimental infatuation with our 'fuller' figure in an attempt to distract us from something that's far more difficult to diminish (or address and accept) than the thing that we've convinced ourselves we fear the most (a bigger body) when in reality, we're merely masking the main reason/s why our weight worries us. An excellent example of this would be someone who has been subjected to confidence crippling comments surrounding their shape and size. They may be able to eliminate excess weight externally, but they won't be able to ease the exaggerated emotions that stem from their psychological scars, or become blinkered to further 'fat' shaming comments until they work on their self-esteem as a whole - the core culprit that's not only responsible for their hindered happiness, but will require them to dig deep in order to determine the root reason/s why they struggle with shattered self-esteem (something that's far scarier than shaping a slender silhouette that wouldn't necessarily need to be shaped if they were confident and comfortable in their own skin). 

Instead of becoming besotted with blasting body fat, focus on fighting the negativity that fills your beaten brain by being honest with yourself - are you worried about your weight because you genuinely want to banish a bigger body? Or are you eliminating excess energy in the hope that it will suddenly silence the self-hatred that cripples your confidence? If it's the latter, remember that although you may be able to dedicate every ounce of energy to banishing a bothersome body, your shape and size will prove to be irrelevant to the point where you'll remain as unhappy at a size ten, as you were at a size twenty, if you fail to tame the toxic negativity that bombards your brain.


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