How: chronic self-sabotage fuels future failure

Food for thought: chronic self sabotage is one of the core culprits responsible for our failure to create change.

Although we are all susceptible to the self-criticism that stems from struggling to sustain healthier habits, we're also prone to punishing our future selves by psychologically sabotaging our health and happiness.

In fact, many become so psychologically preoccupied with their previous plateaus that they not only foresee failure before they even try to battle to better their body and brain - their preoccupation with the past pushes them to prematurely give up on their goals as they consciously convince themselves that they'll 'fail' to overcome the obstacles that have previously overpowered them - but diminish their determination by dwelling on the 'difficult' days that drove them to self-destruct - the discouragement that stems from their struggles shatters their self-esteem before their belittling behaviour bullies them into believing that they're incapable of change.

Instead of intensifying your critical inner voice - the critical inner voice that consistently convinces you that you 'can't' change - by following in the footsteps of those who bombard their brains with toxic thoughts of negativity (the negativity that fuels future failure), focus on eliminating the enemy that's responsible for your irrational self-reflection - your negative self. Although you may not possess the power to turn back time, you do possess the power to make peace with a past that will continue to see your subjecting yourself to self sabotage should you fail to find the strength to stop fixating on your failures, silence the self-doubt that destroys your determination and start fresh the second that a simple slip up begins to sacrifice your self-belief.

Top tip: our critical inner voice can be influenced by both internal (our insecurities can intensify it) and external (a confidence crippling comment) factors, as well as early life experiences during development (we're susceptible to suffering from the same self sabotaging thoughts as our parents if they were prone to chronic self-criticism during our childhood).
Although digging deep to determine why our weaknesses overwhelm our strengths may be a painful process that drives us to delve into an equally as painful past, it's also an action that's essential in order for us to ensure that we can consciously change (and control) the belittling behaviour that will continue to get the better of us, if we fail to tame the toxic thoughts that trigger the temptation to give up on our goals before we even try to better our body and brain.


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