Weight loss: perfectionism & procrastination

Food for thought: perfectionism isn't always a positive personality trait to possess when it comes to weight loss.

Although striving for high standards may drive our determination to overcome the obstacles that would otherwise overwhelm us, possessing a personality that's psychologically preoccupied with perfection can leave us prone to more than just piling on the pounds.

In fact, permanently pushing for perfection can not only magnify the minor mistakes that make us give up on our goals - the simplest of slip ups cripples our confidence and leaves us less likely to pursue a weight loss plan that we now perceive as 'pointless' - but susceptible to setting the unsustainable standards that sabotage our sanity and weight loss success the second that we 'fail' to fulfill our preferred plan to our full potential - the stress that stems from 'failing' to physically and psychologically perform perfectly during the duration of our diet (and exercise) regime drives us to the point of procrastination as we insist on recreating the 'perfect' plan, at the 'perfect' time (a perfectly timed plan which is often even more overwhelming than the original!).

Instead of aiming for an all or nothing approach to weight loss - a common personality trait of a perfectionist - don't be afraid (or ashamed) to relax your rigid rules and regime by becoming blinkered to the 'bad' days that drive you to self-destruct. Although slips ups can be stressful, they are also part of the process that creates change - not the process that eliminates your previous efforts, or hinders your hard work as a whole. By all means be driven by discipline and determination, but don't become besotted with portraying perfection - you're a human that's programmed to make mistakes, not a machine that's programmed to be permanently perfect.



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