Weight loss: tasty treats & takeaways

If you find the temptation to turn to the tasty treats and takeaways that can contribute to an over consumption of calories (and a wider waistline!) too hard to resist, recreating a healthier version of your favourite food source is a great way to sustain the self control to stick to the healthier habits that lead to long-term weight loss - you don't feel forced to deprive yourself of delicious dishes and desserts in order drop a dress size!

If there is a specific sweet treat that you're struggling to make (healthier) or a ravishing recipe that you would like to recreate without the worry of over consuming the core culprits that we need to cut - think excess calories, saturated fat and sugar - head over to my private weight loss group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1652839708333749/ leave a comment on the relevant post (as seen above) and Buns & Guns (Dixie Duke's sister site) will share a sensible swap in order to ensure that you satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing your silhouette!   


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