Sensible food swaps: healthy, homemade pizza

Making healthy, homemade meals may not resemble a speedy solution to sustaining a slender silhouette, but it will help to banish a bothersome body that's fuelled by the 'convenient' calories found in fast food. 

In fact, cooking from scratch not only allows us to cut the core culprits responsible for contributing to an accumulation of additional weight - think excess calories, fat and sugar - but increase our intake of the nutrient dense ingredients that will leave us feeling full of energy and eager to sustain our sensible meal swaps - we're talking vital vitamins and minerals and the essential fatty and amino acids that many processed products fail to provide.

Although today's tasty 'takeaway' may not provide the preferred portion sizes of a shop brought pizza, it does contain less calories, less salt, less saturated fat and enough taste and texture to lure even the most dedicated of fast food lovers into leading a healthier lifestyle! 


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