Top tips for a happier & healthier you

Dedicating every ounce of energy to worrying about your wobbly bits won't eliminate the excess energy that contributes to a wider waistline - maintaining the motivation to move more and consume less (crap), will.

Instead of fixating on your 'fuller' figure, focus on improving your insecurities by taking these simple steps towards a happier and healthier you:

  • Move more. Whether its walking to work, sweating it out on a stationary bike or playing in the park with your youngsters, the more you move, the more excess energy your body will burn.
  • Swap sensibly. Simple substitutes such as swapping processed pick me ups for fibre fuelled fruit, sugar for stevia and the sofa for a tough training session will all aid in ousting an accumulation of additional weight.
  • Don't dwell on a difficult day. It doesn't matter if its a 'bad' workout or a bothersome binge that has got the better of you, let go of yesterday's you and move on from your mistakes - failure is only final when you lose the will to try.
  • Think less is more. Setting small goals such as slashing the sugar in your coffee by a spoonful a week, walking an extra mile a month and having one extra homemade meal each day may seem simple, but these 'easy' efforts are essential for creating a long-term lifestyle change.
  • Learn to love yourself. Fixating on your flaws will do nothing but fuel a negative mind - persevere with portraying positivity and you will soon believe that you're beautiful no matter what your shape or size.
  • Eliminate excuses. Whether its treats, tiredness or technology, there will always be something tempting you into hindering your healthier habits - none are worth seeing your hard work go to waste.
  • Challenge yourself. Change happens when you step outside of your comfort zone - don't be afraid to test your physical and psychological strength and stamina by pushing beyond your boundaries.
  • Find your motivation. Whether its dropping a dress size, controlling a health complication or decreasing your risk of developing disease, finding your focus will motivate you when times get tough.
  • Be patient. It takes 66 days to form a healthy habit - hang in there and you will reap the results!
  • Never forget. When you feel overwhelmed by the obstacles that you have 'failed' to overcome, remember the reason why you started - to make your future self stronger, happier and healthier than yesterday's you. You may not be there yet, but your every effort is taking you one step closer to the change that you strive for.


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