Eating disorders: how to beat bulimia

If you're battling to beat bulimia - an eating disorder characterised by bingeing and purging - try taking a scenic stroll after snacks and meals.

Although something as simple as a stroll won't solve the underlying psychological problem behind bulimia, surrounding yourself with sensory stimulation will not only soothe the stress and distress that stems from fixating on how the calories that you have consumed will affect your shape and size - doing something different to your regular meal time routine helps to distract you from the bulimic thoughts that fuel your fear of getting 'fat' - but it will prevent you from purposely purging as your paranoia shifts from ridding your body of food, to how you can't possibly make yourself sick in a public place - you're less likely to vomit if you venture out of your comfort zone as you feel concerned about how others will perceive your purging. It will also ease your urge to purge as you learn to use exercise to eliminate excess energy - a far more effective method that allows you to maintain your weight without the serious side effects that stem from making yourself sick.

Top tip: bulimia is not just a battle with the body and mind, but a battle to break a habit that has spiralled out of control.
Although you can try to tackle the triggers that tempt you to turn to purging in order to prevent piling on the pounds, you will only beat bulimia if you want to change. If you don't, or you're not prepared to dedicate every ounce of energy to eliminating your erratic eating pattern, you will always find a reason to use vomiting as a method to maintain your weight.

* Bulimia is a complex condition that requires a realistic treatment plan to be tailored to the sufferer's specific triggers and root cause/s. Although the above tip played a vital role in my recovery, I was ready to do anything to change - a positive position that every bulimic must be in in order to take the first steps to recovery - and willing to work hard to ensure that I psychologically accepted that physical activity was a far more effective (and safer) method to maintaining my weight than purging.

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