How to:boost your body confidence with positivity

Boost your body confidence...
Prevent the paranoia that stems from being preoccupied with how others perceive you by focusing on the positive.
Although we're all susceptible to subjecting our body, shape and size to unhealthy comparisons, our reflection can often be distorted by the infatuation that develops as a result of performing strategic self analysis on a religious basis.
In fact, by focusing on our flaws, our psychological perception of own body - be it too big, too wobbly or too thin - can quickly deteriorate to the point of creating imaginary and exaggerated imperfections that only we can see - the imperfections that cripple our confidence as we become convinced that others perceive our appearance in the same negative manner.
Instead of dedicating every ounce of energy to obsessing about the bothersome body bits that can't be changed (or are in the process of being changed,) accepting that confidence isn't created by focusing on the negative, but by learning to love our stunning smile, the freckles that flatter our face and the scars that have shaped our strength - the things that we become blinkered to once we begin to obsess about our insecurities - will not only boost our body confidence, but prevent the paranoia that leaves us convinced that others share the same negative perception of our appearance - the perception that only WE can see.
Each and every one of us has the ability to ooze body confidence and influence how others perceive our physique. It's the psychological path we choose - positivity or self inflicted paranoia - that will determine how we portray ourselves, and how others perceive that portrayal.
Top tip: never underestimate the power of your psychological mindset. It not only has the ability to create or cripple confidence, but when fuelled by negativity, has the power to convince you that everyone is fixated on the flaws that only you can see.


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