Parenting/child nutrition:sugar & its sneaky name substitutes...

Nippers Nutrition's top tip of the day...

Manipulative manufacturers mask the term 'sugar' in a multitude of misleading ways, with many using a selection of name substitutes such as:

  • glucose
  • sucrose
  • dextrose
  • maltose
  • fructose 
  • molasses 
  • invert sugar
  • brown sugar
  • honey
  • treacle
  • syrup - this includes terms such as corn syrup, maple syrup and glucose fructose syrup (etc)...and many more!
Always analyse the nutritional labels of your little'uns favoured foods and fluids in order to establish if this artificially added addition has been deliberately disguised in an attempt to conceal the substantial sugar content of your chosen product/s.


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