Child health: top tip for reducing your tot's risk of overeating...

Nippers Nutrition's top tip of the day...

Reduce your youngster's risk of overeating and obesity by offering mini meals first - minors' will always ask for more if they're still hungry.

Although small stomachs should never be satisfied with the same sized portions as an adults (filling tiny tummies too soon can reinforce food refusal leaving little-uns less likely to obtain the energy and nutrients that they need for adequate health, growth and development), tempting tots' to tuck into a mini meal as opposed to a plate full of food can not only reduce their risk of overeating - many minors' will eat what their parents put on their plate regardless of how soon they sense satiety - but it can also promote the importance of portion control from an early age - an action that can prevent children from piling on the pounds during adolescence and adulthood.

Final thought: it takes 20 minutes for the brain to register that the body is full - this is the time that we should wait before offering minors' more of their main meal (and dessert!) in order to reduce their risk of eating outside of physical hunger.


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