Weight loss/nutrition:how to make a healthy last minute meal...

Food for thought...

It takes a mere four minutes to make poached eggs on a bed of wholemeal bread and grilled bacon - that's at least half of the time that it takes to make a ready made meal (the type that's bursting with excess energy and an abundance of added salt, sugar and/or saturated fat), and 10* minutes less than the time that it takes to order a takeaway (the type that tightens our trousers!).

It's also packed with nutrient-rich properties (think high biological value/complete protein, complex carbohydrates and a multitude of mandatory micronutrients including iodine and vitamins A, D, B2 and B12 to name but a very few!), and resembles one of the many reasons why 'a lack of time' is simply another exaggerated excuse that we create in an attempt to convince ourselves that our unhealthy habits cannot be changed...



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