A physique in progress...

If you're yet to be convinced by the saying ''the commitment to remain consistent creates change'', the image to your right resembles the reality of what can be achieved when we're willing to work hard to better our body and brain...

Despite the fact that many would describe defined deltoids as 'unflattering' on a feminine figure, this picture portrays the progress that can be made in as little as two weeks using basic body weight exercises and a simple set of dumbbells (yes, you can tone troublesome areas and build muscle mass without struggling with the gruelling gym sessions that leave you surrounded by grunting guys!).

Although I may be branded 'bulky' by some and I'm far from finished in terms of toning my torso (I'll soon be banishing body fat and building more muscle!), seeing how my back is already starting to develop definition is fuelling the focus that I need in order to remain committed to creating change - the change that we can all achieve when we're willing to tackle tougher training sessions and feed our body the right fuel.



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