Dixie Duke: Nail Newsletter

As my regular readers may have noticed, Dixie Duke is gradually turning into a nail blog rather than a beauty blog! 
Based on my passion for the industry and love of  nails, I feel that throwing all my energy into the area I live and breathe is not only the right thing to do, but will provide an array of interesting and informative posts for all my beautiful dolls and gents to read.  With this in mind, I have decided to create a unique newsletter for all my fellow hardcore nail lovers. 

Packed with insider tips, tricks and step by steps, this fortnightly nail dose will ooze a variety of advice on nail care, art and products. There will also be an opportunity for all my gorgeous readers to get involved by sending in their own nail art or general questions requiring nail advice with a selection of competitions and a few little surprises along the way!

So, if you love nothing more than to be the first to know about the next big product, or just fancy showing your nail art creations to the world, sign up by dropping Dixie an email on dixie_duke@live.co.uk or tweet @dixie_duke with your name and email address. Its that simple!


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