Child health: how to vaccinate your youngster against a negative body image

A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem - Naomi Wolf.

Although we are all susceptible to subjecting ourselves to the crippling self-criticism that stems from 'failing' to flaunt a 'flawless' figure, our preoccupation with portraying society's perception of perfection can sabotage more than just our silhouette.

In fact, something as simple as screaming at the scales and/or religiously reiterating that we're repulsed by our 'revolting' reflection can not only trigger belittling behaviour in our tot - the innocent but influential mind of a minor often mimics mum's (and dad's!) mannerisms - but force our offspring to follow in the same self-sabotaging footsteps as they approach adolescence and adulthood - children who perceive their paranoid parent's abnormal attitude towards food and their figure as acceptable are at an increased risk of developing a distorted definition of dieting, and a persistent preoccupation with their physique.

Instead of fixating on your 'fuller' figure and/or skipping substantial snacks and meals in an attempt to shape the slender silhouette that society says you 'should' strive for, focus on shielding your youngster from toxic thoughts of body negativity by banishing your belittling behaviour, and bombarding their brain with the belief that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Although society's perception of 'perfection' may pressure them (and you!) to resemble a skeletal bag of bones, it's how you and your youngster feel on the inside - happy, healthy, confident and comfortable in your own skin - that matters the most.

Final thought: children are like a curious sponge, they learn from listening, watching and copying their carers, whilst acknowledging and absorbing the actions of the adults around them - this includes how they treat and talk about their body, as well as whether they choose self-acceptance, over self-sabotage.


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