What the reality of resorting to a speedy weight loss solution really resembles

With an abundance of worrying weight loss solutions sabotaging our sanity and silhouette, it's time to take a closer look at one of the core culprits currently responsible for our failure to fight the flab...

1.The claim: a speedy, enjoyable and effective weight loss solution that eliminates 7-14 lbs in as little as two weeks.

2.How: with a 'weight loss goody bag' that contains a selection of slimming shakes (x7), 'skinny' juices (x7), one bottle of 'hydra-slim' and a free 'sports' bottle.

3.Price: all for just £38 (plus postage, of course!).

What the reality of this worrying 'weight loss' solution really resembles:

  • NO plan that promises to 'effectively' eliminate such a substantial amount of excess weight in as little as two weeks (that's 14 days!) will be enjoyable or effective. It will, however, be unsustainable, unsatisfying and a hazard to physical and psychological health.
  • Even under extreme energy restriction, fat loss (the only thing that we should be aiming to shift unless oedema is present) will remain low. Any pill, plan or product that promises a loss of more than 1-2lbs a week will leave us piling on the pounds the second that we return to real food, and a realistic regime.
  • NO pill or product is powerful to the point that it contains 'slimming properties' or, in hydra-slim's case, boosts metabolism and burns fat. This is simply another absurd example of the manipulated marketing that's used to lure desperate dieters into leading a lacklustre lifestyle - a lifestyle that's packed with the pills and products that provide nothing but fake promises and an accumulation of additional weight - and convince those who can't be bothered to create change that there's a product that will do the weight loss work for them providing that they are willing to part with their pennies there isn't.
  • Replacing any main meal with a 'slimming shake' prevents the chewing that promotes psychological satiety (an essential action for aiding weight loss), is less likely to leave us feeling full (necessary nutrients such as fibre are often missing from meal replacements - particularly shakes and smoothies - whilst fluid fails to create a feeling of fullness) and increases the incidence of overeating (we crave the calories that stem from munching on substantial snacks and meals and struggle to stop once we succumb to solids). It's also impossible for a bigger bodied person who is prone to chronically over consuming calories to successfully make such a strict and sudden dietary change in the form of swapping food, for fluid.
  • Juice is far from skinny. In fact, the majority of juices - particularly those that promise to shape a slender silhouette - subject our blood sugar to the speedy spikes and slumps that not only leave us prone to pigging out on processed pick me ups, but battling to banish a bigger body.
  • The term 'free' is a form of advertising that's used to automatically attract those who can't justify spending such a ridiculous amount of money, on an equally as ridiculous regime. Although the 'bonus' item is rarely beneficial, the fact that it's 'free' will often be enough to psychologically tempt many to try the products and plan.
  • Purchasing a speedy weight loss solution for £38* may seem like a small price to pay for a slender silhouette, but are we really willing to waste a minimum of £38 each week on a 'weight loss goody bag' that will pile on the pounds whilst increasing the incidence of dietary deficiencies and distorted eating? Realistically speaking, that £38* could be spent on a selection of nutrient dense dishes that will leave us much more likely to drop a dress size - for life.
Final thought: there is no magic weight loss wand - be it a pill, plan or product - that has the ability to oust an accumulation of additional weight without the aid of a substantial lifestyle change/s - this does NOT include incorporating slimming shakes, supplements or 'skinny' juices into your daily diet! If your preferred plan doesn't encourage healthier eating habits, solid food sources, sensible swaps and a realistic exercise regime, don't expect to effectively (or enjoyably) eliminate excess weight.


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