Cellulite: How to diminish the dimpled effect

Affecting an estimated 80-90% of women, cellulite is a problematic condition renowned for its detrimental impact on confidence and body image, but did you know that the lifestyle choices we make have more of an influential impact on whether we develop this unsightly condition than our genetics? Here are my top three lifestyle tips for diminishing the dimpled effect:
• Get active: although some what resistant to normal forms of diet and exercise, cellulite has an increased risk of developing in areas of poor circulation as a result of inactivity - the hips and upper thighs of women with a sedentary lifestyle or seated occupation are more at risk of developing the condition in comparison to those with a physically active job or lifestyle - poor circulation also has the ability to disrupt waste removal via the lymphatic system and prevent the tissues from obtaining adequate nourishment. 
Aim to participate in at least 30 minutess of physical exercise each day, and encourage blood flow by standing up and moving around at least once an hour if you have a desk-bound job.
• Drink more h2o: toxins have the ability to enter the body via the food we eat, fluid we drink, air we breathe and the products that we apply. If the body fails to eliminate these toxins quickly and efficiently, or there is an excess of them present, the toxins will remain in the tissues and accumulate - an accumulation of waste in an area of fatty tissue can lead to the formation of cellulite.
Drinking 2-3 litres of filtered water a day will not only aid the digestion and absorption of food, but help to flush the body of toxins in order to reduce the risk of cellulite.
• De-stress: renowned for affecting the body's normal physiological functions, stress has the ability to disrupt the process of elimination, the circulatory system and the stimulation of lymph flow - all require adequate function in order to prevent the development of cellulite. 
Try to ensure that your stress levels remain as low as possible and incorporate a little 'you time' into each day. Massages, yoga, Pilates and meditation are also fantastic stress managing methods for those seeking the alternate approach.
Other factors such as too much dietary salt, fat, sugar, meat - particularly red meat - and processed food can also increase the likelihood of cellulite, so always aim to consume a variety of healthy and nutritious food sources and eliminate sweet and salty snacks and meals.
If you're struggling with poor circulation, dry body/skin brushing before bathing will help to stimulate circulation and the lymphatic system - always perform this particular treatment in circular motions from the feet upwards.


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